Friday, 22 June 2018

Musical Performances

On the last day of Arts Week, Room 10 worked in groups to create a short musical item, using instruments and body percussion. We had been enjoying exploring music throughout the week, so thought bringing our work all together to perform in front of our peers was a great way to wrap up the week!

We were given a time period in which to share our ideas with each other and practise our item, before presenting to the class. We used instruments such as tamborines, triangles, drums and maracas. We also used our bodies to add interesting detail to our performances, by clapping, stomping and clicking.

Performing our musical items to the class was a great way to reinforce our Arts Week learning, and to work collaboratively to produce a unique item.

From Room 10


  1. Looks likes heaps of fun. What a talented bunch. Thanks for sharing. ��

  2. What fun creating your own musical musical item. I love using instruments and body percussion.

  3. Oh I love this! Ashton hope you channelled your Justin Bieber

  4. Musical ARTS is so important. I would love to hear some of your tunes that you came up with. Maybe next time Miss Farmer might do a video snippet? The photos look like you enjoyed your learning!

  5. Well Done Room 10
